Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Love Boat!

Yes! We made it on our cruise! I apologize for my lack of blogging....but I've been very,very,busy! This photo was taken on one of our formal dinner nights. Don't we look good?

The cruise was a lot of fun......getting Nick there was a trying experience, but we made it, everyone is safe, healthy and happy! Joan tore it up on the dance floor one night......John showed us his sweet dance moves in Jamaica, Vivian showed the casino who's the boss, Nick and Mike took second place in the family olympics, Willie showed everyone who really has the sexiest legs, Mitch and Steve played some mean dodgeball, Mary showed us that on land or sea, she's good at sheephead, Raelyn proved that she had one of the crappiest cards in bingo and I proved that I am the best at the game "horse"!

Mary and Willie also showed us that they are true "party animals" with these balloon hats! Aren't these great? The bartender made these for the boys, but we had to get a picture of Grandma and Grandpa with them on.

All in all it was a fun trip. The weather was great, hot and sticky with lots of sun.....just the way Joan like's it! The staff was great and everyone had a nice time. We planned it for so long, it seemed to go by too fast! Now......where should our next trip be?

Friday, March 31, 2006

Bucca's! Bucca's! Bucca's!

This is how Buca's started off for Mike, Peg, Don, Cheryl, Rod and myself! Actually, it started off with Peg and I enjoying a glass of wine before dinner! So the waitress comes by and asks us if we want something to drink........either a 1.5 liter or 3.0 liter of wine! Not a tough call to make....of course Mike orders the 3.0! Yummy, yum, yum! As we finish our meal (& wine!), I tell my lovely lady friends that I'm making lemoncello, just like Bucca's! Well, Peg and Cheryl will have nothing to compare my lemoncello against unless we order some! It was delicious to say the least, but we'll have to wait until mine is done brewing for the final taste test. (it takes 80 days!) Now let's move to dessert.......

Peg wanted dessert but only would order it if everyone would try it......some triple chocolate cake with some kind of booze in it! It was huge and came with a big spoon! It was very moist and quite delectable!

Peg was a bit embarrassed about how big this piece of cake was. She looked coyly away, because she'd never seen such a big piece of cake!

In a matter of minutes she grabbed hold of that big spoon and started scooping that boozy sauce on top of the cake! Look at her go! She was showing that cake who was in charge! We had so much fun that night! Who could ask for anything better.....good food, good wine, good conversation, good friends! Life is good............

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Fish Fry Wisconsin Style!

Ahhhhhhh! Can you smell the perch? You know it's Lent when Mike is breading the fish for an old fashioned Wisconsin fish fry! (actually, I had to "guide" him through the steps!) Along with those fish we had some homemade potato pancakes! It took Mike and I 1 1/2 hours to make the meal and about 10 minutes for Mitch and Nick to eat it!

Yum! They are already for the fryer! It was a delicious meal! So delicious that Joan called and could smell it in Chicago! Now that's a good fish fry! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The newest addtion to the family.....Powl the Owl!

I'd like to introduce to you Peg and Don's (actually it's really Peggy's) newest baby........Powl the Owl! Here's the story of Peg and her owl......

For a few years Mike and I have have been invited to attend Peg's dinner/auction for her church. It's always very nice and they have many, many items you can silently bid on. For instance, baskets of body products, tools, handmade items, and of course we can't forget hand carved items as well.

Mike and I were "eyeing" a couple of things......a couple of shirts for the boys and some tools. (which we won) Peg on the other hand "eyes" lots and lots of things. But the one thing that caught her eye was this hand carved owl! So you understand the bidding process......each table "closes" at a certain time during the evening. When they announce, for instance that table 1 is closing, people make a dash for that table to see if they been outbid. Well, let me tell you.....Peg and another person kept outbidding each other on this owl! And if any of you REALLY know Peg, she WILL NOT be outbid for something she really wants. When all was said and done....Peg won the owl! The look on Don's face was priceless! Peg kept telling us about her adoration for this owl, which by the way has cloven claws! But you're probably asking yourself....why the name Powl? Then let's continue with the story......

So we get back from the auction, our bellies filled with wine (except for Don, he was driving) and we play some cards at Peg and Don's. With the owl standing watch in the kitchen, we decide it needs to have a name.......then I suggest "Why don't we call it Powl?" "It's a combination of the word Peg and Owl!" So there you have it........that's why he's called Powl!

Therefore my big shout out of the week is to............

Peg and Powl!
May Powl bring you years of joy!
God Bless Peg!
God Bless Powl!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Honor's Breakfast!

What an honor! Nick's school had an Honor's breakfast for those students who maintained an A average for the semester! Mike and I are so proud of him! He's pictured with his principal and you can tell how happy she is for Nick. He works hard at school , so it was great to see him recognized for his academic achievement. He's really enjoying middle school this year and loves not having the "kindergartners" around! He certainly is growing up fast!

Both boys have caught "spring fever"! Just because it's 40 degrees outside, they both think they don't need to wear winter coats to school! Mike and I are constantly telling them every morning to put some winter clothes on! Phew! These guys are killing me!

This weekend we are attending Peg's church auction! I'm really looking forward to getting out of the house and hanging out with Peg and Don. Last time we went I won a DVD player! Gotta love those Catholics! It will be nice to dress up, enjoy some wine and make Mike nervous by bidding on stuff! Peg and I can usually find something to buy!

Mitch got some great news this week...... he's finally reaching the home stretch of his braces! The doc said probably one more appointment and then they come off! He can't wait to eat a carmel apple! I promised him the day he had them put on, that I would treat him to a gourmet carmel apple in Cedarburg!

I'm continuing with the Transformation Of Tracy....or T.O.T.! Mike says he notices that my body is changing, but I think he's only saying that to be a nice guy! I try to work out 45 minutes 6 days a week at a heart rate of 144. The only thing that keeps me motivated is recording PROJECT RUNWAY! I love that show! I can't get enough of it! Tonight's the final episode and I have to I record it and the first thing I'll do tomorrow is jump on that bike and watch it! I hope that Santino wins! There are some people out there that can stand the guy.....but....I think he's the most original of the two Daniel and Chloe! It gets even better......then I find out that it's been renewed for next season! Yeah!

Well, as Heidi Klum would say.......Auf Weidersehen!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Nick's a Wrestler!

Here's the picture you all have been waiting for.......Nick's wrestling photo! They tell the boys not to smile, because wrestlers NEVER smile! Doesn't he look mean and nasty? Even though he didn't win any matches, he had a great time.

The one thing I learned from wrestling is that it takes a lot of courage, to go into the middle of a ring along, with no other teammates, with everyone watching you and focus on the task at hand. Other sports like basketball is team driven, but in wrestling it's just you and your opponent. Wrestling has given Nick a lot more courage and character. Do I still think it's barbaric? You betcha! Do I hope Nick wouldn't do it anymore? You double betcha! But......I need to get over my "fear" and support him. (I think he kind of enjoys me crying at his matches!)

This past month has been filled with sports and church events. I looked ahead to the month of March and see that we actually have days where NOTHING is going on! How did that happen? I actually double checked to make sure I didn't make a mistake.

Mike and I have been fortunate enough to enjoy some time together since the boys are always gone sleeping over and hanging out with their friends. Today we are going to watch Mad Hot Ballroom and Fahrenheit 9/11. Now.......many of you may not know this but my husband Mike is a staunch Republican and I'm a fantabulous Democrat! We have agreed to watch this movie together and we can't make any comments! So what does this mean......what if Mike gets upset watching this movie that is anti-Bush? Well....knowing Mike.....he'll probably walk out and read a book! So my thinking is that we watch the ballroom movie first, then the Michael Moore movie, because Mike will make me popcorn for the first one! Hee! Hee!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Mitchell is a baller!

Here's Mitch's basketball picture for his school! Mike and I were so happy that he smiled and showed off those beautiful braces. Now I just need to find the right frame, because Mitch wants to hang it in his room, along with his other basketball pics. You're probably thinking......where are Nick's wrestling pictures? Don't worry my fellow readers, Nick's haven't arrived yet, but when they do, I'll make sure to post them.

Mitch just finished his first semester exams and got a 5.0! He is so proud of himself, because the AP math class he takes is proving to be a challenge. (which is good!) Nick got his grades and received a 3.926! He jumped up and down! Mike and I are invited to an Honor's breakfast for Nick because of his achievement. All Nick cares about is what they are having to eat and that he gets out of classes in the morning!

Things are finally winding down in the athletic portion of our school year. Basketball is ending soon and confirmation is right around the corner. Mitch can't wait to be done with his classes. Nick begins his communion class in Feb. for 5 weeks. After the exam (yes, there is an exam), and after meeting with Pastor Norm (yes, there is a meeting) , then it will be decided whether Nick is ready to take communion. I cried at Mitch's, so I'm sure to be a bubbling idiot during Nicks'!

I'm still doing well in the "Transformation of Tracy"! Does Tracy like working out? Heck, no! Does Tracy look forward to it? Heck, no! Does Tracy think it's working? Heck, no! But, I will admit one thing.......I fall asleep much faster and sleep better at night.

Now, because this is my blog I can write about anything I want! I have a few pet peeves, but my biggest one is women who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom. Of course, everyone who knows me, knows that something had to happen in order for me to write about it.

Last week after bowling, a couple of us decide that on the way home, we'd stop and have a drink. (please keep in mind that I don't drink when I bowl, I only partake in libations, when I'm done!). Anyhoo..........before we sit down I decide to use the restroom. My girlfriend Vickie (who washes her hands), tells me she'll order my drink. So I proceed to the bathroom........

This bathroom has one stall, which is being used, so I wait near the sink admiring my hair! When the woman leaves the stall, I move out of the way for her to wash her hands, when instead she just opens the door and leaves. GROSS! DISGUSTING! I am shocked. This woman was in her late 50's and should know better.

After I take care of business, I tell my girlfriend what happened and I point this lady out to her. (who happens to be sitting next to a boyfriend/husband) Of course, Vickie is just as disgusted as I am. Later, Vickie has to use the bathroom and the same thing happens to her, with a different woman in the stall than the one I'd seen. Vickie and I begin talking about germs, flu, cold etc; and now my blood is boiling. I ask myself.......How can anyone go to the bathroom, not wash their hands, and then touch the bar, their friends, etc?

Well, I've never been known as one who just "sits there" and does nothing. After two drinks, Vickie and I decide it's time to call it a night, but not before I feel I have to do something! I approach the couple (the woman who didn't wash her hands when I was in the bathroom), and I look at the boyfriend/husband and say......"Excuse me, but I want you to know that your date doesn't wash her hands after she goes to the bathroom!" This woman was speechless! Vickie is making a dash for the door and I'm quick to follow! We get in the parking lot and we are laughing so hard! So be never know where I'll be....but if I see that you didn't wash your hands, I'm going to bust you!

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