Honor's Breakfast!

What an honor! Nick's school had an Honor's breakfast for those students who maintained an A average for the semester! Mike and I are so proud of him! He's pictured with his principal and you can tell how happy she is for Nick. He works hard at school , so it was great to see him recognized for his academic achievement. He's really enjoying middle school this year and loves not having the "kindergartners" around! He certainly is growing up fast!
Both boys have caught "spring fever"! Just because it's 40 degrees outside, they both think they don't need to wear winter coats to school! Mike and I are constantly telling them every morning to put some winter clothes on! Phew! These guys are killing me!
This weekend we are attending Peg's church auction! I'm really looking forward to getting out of the house and hanging out with Peg and Don. Last time we went I won a DVD player! Gotta love those Catholics! It will be nice to dress up, enjoy some wine and make Mike nervous by bidding on stuff! Peg and I can usually find something to buy!
Mitch got some great news this week...... he's finally reaching the home stretch of his braces! The doc said probably one more appointment and then they come off! He can't wait to eat a carmel apple! I promised him the day he had them put on, that I would treat him to a gourmet carmel apple in Cedarburg!
I'm continuing with the Transformation Of Tracy....or T.O.T.! Mike says he notices that my body is changing, but I think he's only saying that to be a nice guy! I try to work out 45 minutes 6 days a week at a heart rate of 144. The only thing that keeps me motivated is recording PROJECT RUNWAY! I love that show! I can't get enough of it! Tonight's the final episode and I have to bowl.....so I record it and the first thing I'll do tomorrow is jump on that bike and watch it! I hope that Santino wins! There are some people out there that can stand the guy.....but....I think he's the most original of the two Daniel and Chloe! It gets even better......then I find out that it's been renewed for next season! Yeah!
Well, as Heidi Klum would say.......Auf Weidersehen!
Your awesome, wish I did better when I was younger in school.
Keep up the great job!!
Love u,
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