Thursday, January 12, 2006

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Sorry it's been so long......but we are in full blown athletic mode here in our house. We have school basketball, rec. basketball (Mike's coaching), & wrestling! That takes up every weekday we have and every Saturday through mid March. Along with this, we have school, guitar, confirmation class, church youth group, piano, bowling, etc; etc; etc;

Basketball is going well for Mitch. His team is 5-1 and they play pretty well together. Mitch is also doing very well in school and is so close to completing his confirmation class! He asked me if I was excited when I was finally done and I told him "You Betcha!" He's more excited about not having to go to Sunday school and instead having bagels with Mike and I! However, he stated that he may help out teaching the younger classes. I hope he does, because he has a lot to share. Also, Mitch has finally made it! He wants to shout it from the the highest mountain! MITCH IS TALLER THAN ME! He is slowly creeping up on Mike..........

Nick is still wrestling, but hasn't had a win yet. It's very difficult for me to watch because it seems so barbaric. At the last wrestling meet there was one broken nose, one kid threw up, and 3 had bloody noses. One kid's nose was bleeding so profusely that they called the match and the other kid was declared the winner! Thank goodness that not one of those involved Nick! Nick is also doing well in school. He loves middle school and has aspirations to be an artist. Who knew? He's constantly drawing and "doodling" and when you look at them, they are pretty darn good!

Mike is Mike. Work is Mike. Mike hates snow! Mike likes cookies! Mike hates cold weather! Mike likes TV! Mike doesn't like the Bears! Mike likes the Packers! Mike is coach! Mike likes the Bucks! Mike wants to cruise!

The holiday season is finally over so I can now breathe! We had a nice Xmas in Sheboygan and we got lots of wonderful gifts. Now that things have slowed down, I'm finally going to get around to painting my dining room. There are little projects that I want to get done that don't require anything from Mike. Even though Mike will stand behind me and spew out advise that is not needed!

Any resolutions?????? Well, of course for Mike it's to lose some weight. Mitchell wants to cut down on fast food. Nick doesn't have any because like he said "I'm a little kid!" Me.....I call it the Transformation of Tracy! I don't necessarily want to lose weight....even though if it happens I'd be happy! I guess I just want to have a "transformation" in the whole sense. Work out more, not say "yes" all the time, eat better, spend less etc; Get it? Transformation of Tracy.....or what Mike is calling T.O.T.!

Well, that's about all that was going on this past month. I'm hoping to post some pics of Mitch and Nick in their respective sports.

Also, I was informed that I haven't had a "Shout Out" in here it is......

This month's "Shout Out" goes to Joan and John!
The Green Bay Packers may not be in the playoffs but....
(hee! hee!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We feel so HONERED to have the shout out!
Thanks and GO BEARS!

4:36 PM  

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