The newest addtion to the family.....Powl the Owl!

I'd like to introduce to you Peg and Don's (actually it's really Peggy's) newest baby........Powl the Owl! Here's the story of Peg and her owl......
For a few years Mike and I have have been invited to attend Peg's dinner/auction for her church. It's always very nice and they have many, many items you can silently bid on. For instance, baskets of body products, tools, handmade items, and of course we can't forget hand carved items as well.
Mike and I were "eyeing" a couple of things......a couple of shirts for the boys and some tools. (which we won) Peg on the other hand "eyes" lots and lots of things. But the one thing that caught her eye was this hand carved owl! So you understand the bidding process......each table "closes" at a certain time during the evening. When they announce, for instance that table 1 is closing, people make a dash for that table to see if they been outbid. Well, let me tell you.....Peg and another person kept outbidding each other on this owl! And if any of you REALLY know Peg, she WILL NOT be outbid for something she really wants. When all was said and done....Peg won the owl! The look on Don's face was priceless! Peg kept telling us about her adoration for this owl, which by the way has cloven claws! But you're probably asking yourself....why the name Powl? Then let's continue with the story......
So we get back from the auction, our bellies filled with wine (except for Don, he was driving) and we play some cards at Peg and Don's. With the owl standing watch in the kitchen, we decide it needs to have a name.......then I suggest "Why don't we call it Powl?" "It's a combination of the word Peg and Owl!" So there you have it........that's why he's called Powl!
Therefore my big shout out of the week is to............
Peg and Powl!
May Powl bring you years of joy!
God Bless Peg!
God Bless Powl!
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