Tuesday, March 29, 2005

A night at the movies.......

Last night the boys slept over at the neighbors, so Mike and I thought it would make for a good "date night" at the movies.

First of all, the movie we saw is an independent film called "Schultze Gets the Blues". It's in German with English subtitles and if you have never read a movie before....it really isn't a big deal....you don't even realize your reading after the first 5 minutes. This movie is funny, charming, and bittersweet. This would be my movie "pick of the week"! You can read more about this movie at www.schultzegetstheblues.com Now onto our movie "experience"....

We arrived at the Downer Theater on a beautiful evening.....the movie theater itself is old with great archetectural details...we were looking forward to our movie. There were approximately 25 people in the movie theater (the theater sits 150), then.....3 old people walked in during the previews. They walked behind our row and hit both of our heads, discussed very loudly where they should sit...then (you guessed it) they decided that out of the 125 available seats, they would sit right smack next to Mike!

As they sat down, the woman sitting next to Mike complained that the popcorn was too salty, but her Mother sitting next to her said it was delicious. (this whole time Mike and I are trying not to laugh!) As the movie started, the Mother began to READ OUT LOUD the subtitles! I'm looking at Mike thinking....Hell No! Eventually, her daughter quieted her down, while she rummaged through her popcorn bag....very loudly!

The movie begins....and then out come the chocolate in the box! I swear that she's shaking this box like it's a pair of maracas'! Of course.....I can't stop giggling...and Mike just keeps rolling his eyes!

There is a part of this movie when a gunshot is fired....this woman sitting next to Mike, jumps out of her seat! I have never seen anyone get so startled! At this point, I'm shaking because I'm trying really hard not to lose it with my laughter! I can still see her face! Very funny! What makes this so funny is the moviegoer knows that there is going to be a gunshot....so you're pretty much aware that it's going to happen!

It gets better.......the woman then farts! Not a girly fart.....a manly fart! I couldn't contain myself anymore! Mike is sitting so close to me that he's pushing me into the other seat, because it smells! When the movie ended.....we went outside and laughed at our "date night"! We'll both remember this for a long time.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is tooooooooooo funny, hard to believe

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude...I'm sending the blog site to my friends! That is a story to share! Of all the places to sit, she chose a seat next to Mike! The animal magnetism on that man!

2:06 PM  

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