Thursday, April 07, 2005

Get Back to Raking!

Spring finally came last weekend! We all went outside to clean up the yard. There aren't any pics of Nick because he was mad and didn't want me to take his picture! You should see the video! He's actually having a mini-tantrum! The boys didn't do a lot over spring break. They slept over at some friends, ate, played, and slept in! On Friday we went to dinner with Peg, Don, & Chris and my favorite "boy toy" Scott! Scott was in town for the baptism of his newest nephew, Zach. We came back to our house to play some cards and Peg and I beat the crap out of Mike and Don! The sweet smell of victory! Today...I have to go to the dentist for my 6 month cleaning! Yuk! I HATE going to the dentist! I'm hoping that he doesn't find any cavities! Keep your fingers crossed.... Posted by Hello


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