Monday, May 23, 2005


I love the smells of summer.......the smell BBQ fired up.....the smell of lilacs blooming.....the smell of Ben Gay! What? The smell of Ben Gay? That's right....the smell of Ben Gay! Why the smell of Ben Gay? Because Mike and I had our first kickball game on Friday! It was one of the funniest sporting events witnessed in Menomonee Falls! Seeing that it's been about 30 years since most of us played kickball......we looked rather comical. We dropped the ball, bounced the ball, popped the ball up in the air and only a few of us actually got on base!

Now let's see.....who got on base? Ohhhhhhh! That would be me! That's right folks! I have a better record in kickball than my husband Mike! Mike managed to kick the ball over the 3rd base line fence and across the street! Me? The first time I was up, I got thrown out at first. The second time I popped up but the girl dropped it, so I ran like the wind to first and made it! (Actually, I was laughing pretty hard while running and almost got out!)

Now for you people out there who think that can playing kickball is easy 30 years got it all wrong! We all walked away with strained backs, red ankles and sore stomachs (that's from laughing) The only great thing about kickball are the beers afterwards! Mitch was our official scorekeeper and you can ask him how funny it is to watch your Mom and Dad play a kid's game! I really wanted to take pictures, but our camera was out of batteries! I promise that by the next game, I'll post some pics.

We have really great news concerning Nick! He was picked from 120 students in his grade to present a scholarship at the high school awards banquet. He gets to go on stage, up to the podium and read off a prepared script in front of an audience! The only drawback.......I'm taking him shopping to buy a suit/sportcoat! He insists that he doesn't need one.....but what does he know.....he's only 10! I plan on recording it and taking lots of pics! He has no fear of speaking in front of a large group, so we know he'll do great!

Now, I must get back to my kickball warm-ups!


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