Thursday, June 16, 2005

Happy, Happy, Birthday to Chris!

Wow! I can't believe that Chris is 16 years old! Boy! Are Peg and Don old or what? Hee! Hee! Besides the very "yummy" cake, we had a great meal......of course served up by no other than Peg! The day turned out to be great! We played Sheephead and Joan totally cheated! (just kidding, sista!) I think she takes advantage of me because I'm still a "newbie" at the game! Once I figure out the out!

Chris, Mitch and Mike decided to play a little horse! Now you can't see how hard it was raining...but these guys endured a torrential downpour in order to finish their game. I think that Mike won the first game, but Don made the sweetest shot during the second game.

Here's Alec and Mitch playing "cars"! Mitch was only happy to play, because he could be up close to watch the Brewer game. It seems like only yesterday, it was Chris, Mitch and Nick playing cars........the time goes by so fast!

After a very long day of playing and eating......Alec still had the energy to play even more! It's so hard to take his picture, because he's always on the go! However, I can be a bit persuasive and had him lay on the floor and look up at me. It took a few attempts, but I got a great picture of him! He's so cute! Posted by Hello

This week we are preparing for our trip to Boston. Mitch is at a basketball camp in downtown Milwaukee, so I drive him and pick him up everyday! Poor Nicky! I have to wake him up every morning, (because Mike is working) and take him with me. However, I paid him off by taking him out for breakfast every morning! I think I've had my "egg" quota for the week! I've eaten so many eggs that I probably could lay an egg! Phew!


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