Saturday, June 18, 2005

These Shoes Rock!

I know that this is probably weird.....but I LOVE SHOES! I bought these with Joan (she got a brown pair) and I love them so much that I had to take a picture of them! This week we have kickball again! Last Friday I injured my quadracept (the top thigh muscle) but I worked through it and stuck it out. My leg was actually inflamed, but that didn't stop me from going to the mall to buy these "ass-kicking" shoes! Anyway, if I don't brag about Mike and his kickball comeback, I'll never hear the end of it.

Here it seen by Tracy.......
Anyway, here we are tied up and Mike steps up to the plate and doesn't pop it up! He runs to 1st his arms' moving like the Little Engine That Could and he's safe! Another person gets up and kicks the ball.......Mike takes off.....rounding second and then stops at third base! Sweat is pouring from his face, it's hard for him to see....but he's focused for homeplate and a possible win. The next person gets up......kicks the ball......and there goes Mike.....running for home, his vision blurred by the sweat, when all the sudden he notices the woman catcher standing on homeplate, flailing her arms for someone to throw her the ball! Mike.....assessing the situation decides NOT to mow her down, but sidesteps her and gingerly touches homeplate for the winning run! The crowd goes wild! Our first win! And all the accolades go to Mike.......(even though I scored a run the week before!) I'm so proud of my amazing husband......he can do it all.....Appraiser....Handy Man.....Daddy.....and now........Pro Kickballer! Gotta love that guy! Posted by Hello


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