Monday, September 19, 2005

Green Bay Packers Vs. The Racing Sausages!

The way the Green Bay Packers have been playing lately has been such a disappointment! That's why I refuse to post any pictures of them or even talk about them on my blog and instead have given you the pictures I took about 1 month ago of the Milwaukee Brewers Racing Sausages, playing a friendly game of kickball!

You can see how the Brat has made it to first base, with the American pitching! It was so funny to see these guys play! They kept toppling over because they are so top heavy! Speaking of the Brewers! A big shout out to Steve, Viv and Raelyn for the Xmas gift certificate for the Brewers! We ended up sitting 5 rows behind homeplate! Of course, the Brewers lost, but it was great to see it up close!

This past week was spent picking up our yard after the huge storm that blew through. We had a gust of wind that was clocked at 85mph! A lot of people lost power and the boys got off from school due to power outages. We had a lot of limbs down and had part of our tree fell on an electrical line, which ended up smoking! All in all.......we were very lucky compared to others.

I have a few shout outs this week!

Happy Anniversary to Peg and Don! (a reminder to Don that next year is a jewelry purchase anniversary for Peg (20 years!).....don't worry....we'll talk!)

Happy Birthday to Willie (aka; Grandpa, Dad and Father-in-law) Have a beer and bowl a 300.....would ya?


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