Friday, August 12, 2005

I'm soooooo lonely........

Nick left for camp on Sunday for a week and I can't believe how lonely I am without him! He's never been away from us for more than 3 days! We can't write to him, call him.....nothing! I sent him two letters and eagerly await to hear from him through the mail. With Nick being gone this past week I noticed a few things.....

1. I can't sleep at night! I have awaken each day at 4am and can't get back to sleep. I think about what he's doing and whether or not he's having fun.

2. Mitch is bored! He talks and talks and talks! He wants me to entertain him constantly! He has no one to play basketball with, no one to wrestle with and no one to pick on! He hates to admit it.......but he really misses his baby brother.

3. Mike and I sit around at night and all we talk about is Nick! What do you think he's doing? Do you think he's having fun? Do you think he's met any new friends? Do you think he's homesick? Yada....yada....yada!

4. I miss the little things.........Each morning he wakes up and says "Mornin' Mom". Each meal he says "Whatta we havin' for dinner?" Each evening he says "Goodnight Mom, I love you".

5. Most of all......I miss his "smell"! Sounds wierd, I know! But Nick has this "smell" about him! Not a bad smell, just a sweet boy smell!

Well, today we leave for Greenlake....Mike, Mitch and Nick. But tomorrow....Mike is picking Nick up and I'll see him for the first time in a week! I can't wait! I'm going to hug him and smell him! I hope he's just as excited to see us!

I have a couple of "shout-outs" this week.....

Congratulations to Chris on passing his driving test! Whoo! Whoo!

Congratulations to David and Lisa on their new son Thomas Frank Gersbacher!

Most of all....Happy, Happy, Birthday to my baby Nick! He'll be 11 next week and gets to celebrate it at the lake!

I'll be off for a week while I am on vacation.....until next time!


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