Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Harry Potter Mania!

Nick was the first one to receive the copy of the newest Harry Potter book! Here he's pictured with the manager of the bookstore, Kim. Since Nick was the first that means Peg was the second, since I ordered two copies! It was a great night! Everyone who attended the activities beforehand were put into one of the houses of Hogwarts. They had movies, music, potions and snacks! It was a great time for everyone! Mike even got in a little chess playing with Nick and his friends. Speaking of the book, Mitch claims that it's the best one, but much darker. He also read the book in 1/2 a day! He's going to reread because it was so good! Thanks to everyone for the wonderful emails concerning the bookstore's closing. I forwarded them to the bookstore and they are very grateful for the outpouring of support. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh how fun that must have been. I can't wait to get my copy! I know of another child that read it in like 4 hours! I better close myself up in the sunroom!

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about your bookstore closing. I try not to shop at the big places but it's hard. One place I never go is Wal-Mart. In addition to wiping out small businesses, they also undercut and underpay everywhere they go.

8:01 PM  

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