Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Go Brewer's Go!

This weekend we decided to attend the Brewers vs. St. Louis! It was a beautiful day for a game and was a treat for the boys after a long week at school. (the Brewers lost!) Mitch had performed a guitar solo at church and did an excellent job. Mike and I both got a little choked up! Of course, me more than Mike! Nick has been studying very hard this week at school with the ulitmate payoff of straight A's on his report card! He improved on every grade in every subject! Now the hard part is keeping the boys motivated until school ends! They both get the "itch" that they don't have to study or take school too seriously. Thank goodnes they have me for a mom! Mitch also has been chosen to take a national test on geography. Last year he placed first in his school, and is hoping for a repeat. This weekend Mike and I are attending the hospital fundraising ball and I'm really not looking forward to it. But.....I'll put a smile on my face, a drink in onr hand, and an auction paddle in the other and try to have some fun! Hopefully, I'll win something and get a little dancing in, too! Posted by Hello

Play Ball! Posted by Hello

Monday, April 11, 2005

On Saturday we all went to witness a sheep shearing at my "knitting" friend Chris'! Nick thought it was very interesting how the whole process took place. After all the shearing was done, they had 40 pounds of wool! They are sending some off to have made into a king size blanket, and the rest will be spun into yarn! The sheep are almost docile while getting sheared. That's because when they are not on their back legs, they know that they can't get away, and therefore are submissive. My boys don't even sit that still when they get their hair cut, AND they don't have to worry about anyone getting close to their "dangle doo"! Mike and I also did a ton of yard work this weekend! Phew! My upper back is killing me and Mike's legs are killing him. Ahhhhh! The affects of getting older!  Posted by Hello

Look at all that wool! Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Get Back to Raking!

Spring finally came last weekend! We all went outside to clean up the yard. There aren't any pics of Nick because he was mad and didn't want me to take his picture! You should see the video! He's actually having a mini-tantrum! The boys didn't do a lot over spring break. They slept over at some friends, ate, played, and slept in! On Friday we went to dinner with Peg, Don, & Chris and my favorite "boy toy" Scott! Scott was in town for the baptism of his newest nephew, Zach. We came back to our house to play some cards and Peg and I beat the crap out of Mike and Don! The sweet smell of victory! Today...I have to go to the dentist for my 6 month cleaning! Yuk! I HATE going to the dentist! I'm hoping that he doesn't find any cavities! Keep your fingers crossed.... Posted by Hello

Mitchell showing off his muscles! Posted by Hello

Friday, April 01, 2005

April Fool's!

Ahhhhh! My favorite day of the year.......The planning, the shopping, the prank........

Today went like this.....

It's spring break here, so my children are enjoying their time off. They look like angels, all snuggly wuggly in their beds, until they awoke and realized what today is. Let's start with my first victim......Nick!

Ahhhhh! Nicholas.....my baby, my cuddly, wuddly son! I awake from my restful sleep to see him in the family room, nervously awaiting my arrival. I ask him "What is wrong, my son?" He replies....."Today is April Fool's Day and I'm scared of what you are going to do!" I reply "I completely forgot what today was!" Now Nicholas.....being my baby, being a bit naive, falls for this "hook, line & sinker"! I begin to explain that I'd better get to the store so I can "do" something! Nick, my love, is sooooo relieved! I then ask him sweetly "Nick, what would you like for breakfast?" He replies ever so lovely..."Mom, can I have toast with peanut butter?" "Of course!" I reply.

It is here where the prank occurs......I prepare Nick his breakfast, he sits down, takes a bite of his toast, washes it down with some milk, and then replies "I can't feel my lips" You see.....I put Oragel around the lip of his cup. Thus, when he took a drink, his lips became numb! Ha! Ha!
(One down......two to go!)

Next victim.......Mitchell!

Ahhhhhh! Mitchell.....my first born, the keen and quick thinker......until today!

Mitch wakes up and is full of dread. He looks around every corner, inspects all his food....he trusts no one....especially his mother! Mitch is the one I have to be careful with....because he knows me the best! Mitchell begins his morning similar to Nick's.....without the milk surprise. While Mitch eats.....I begin to clean the house, because Peg & Don are coming over to play cards this evening. I clean the one place I hate......the boys' bathroom....but with guests coming over, it needs to be done! As I'm cleaning, I explain to the boys that they need to make their beds, pick up their rooms, and brush their teeth....yada, yada, yada! I feverishly clean around the toilet while Mitch is brushing his teeth. Mitch then exclaims..."My whole mouth is numb!" You see....I put Oragel all over Mitch's toothbrush....it wasn't until Mitch spit out his toothpaste that the numbing could be felt! The look on his face.....priceless!
(Two down....one to go)

My next victim.....Mike!

Ahhhhhhh! Mike.....the love of my life, the father of my two precious sons, my easiest victim of all!

My love, Mike is always working......work, work, work! He's been pretty preoccupied with the DUPLEX, so he's even easier to prank than the boys. Mike knew about the prank I was going to play on the boys and thought that he was safe.......I guess that's what love will do to you....make you believe anything!

After a long morning on the road doing appraisals, my love came home and went to his office to work on his computer. As I sit blissfully sat at my computer, contemplating how lucky I am.....I'm disturbed by the cursing I hear downstairs! To keep this PG, I'll try to rewrite what is being heard...."This rickum computer!" "Frickin' frackin' thing doesn't work" You see......I took out Mike's mouse ball, so his mouse wouldn't work....when he looked on the bottom he saw a note..."April Fool's...you'll find your ball with your binder clips!" What good clean fun I have....

I hope that all is well and everyone has a Happy April Fool's Day!

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