Thursday, May 26, 2005

Now this is what I call livin'!

Here's Nick just laying around...doing nothing! He has that smug look on his face because as of today....there are only 10 1/2 days of school! Doesn't he look like he's just waiting to start some trouble? Look at his eyes.....don't they look like they are following you? Very, very, creepy!

We don't have any plans this Memorial Day weekend. We may take a trip out to Madison for the farmer's market and then hopefully do a little shopping! I cleaned out my closet yesterday and it took 6 hours! My tip for cleaning out your closet....when you start looking at your clothes, make a "slash" mark on the tag of clothes you think you need to keep....if and when you finally do wear it, then make the "slash" into an "x". Why? Well, the next time you clean your closet, if you see that it still has a "slash" mark, then that means you didn't wear it since the last time you cleaned your closet so....GIVE IT AWAY! This has always worked for me and it always gives me room in my closet for more clothes!

I hope that everyone has a safe Memorial Day and a special shout out to my sister-in-law Peg! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEG! Have fun in Arizona and don't do anything I (or Joan) would do!Posted by Hello

Monday, May 23, 2005


I love the smells of summer.......the smell BBQ fired up.....the smell of lilacs blooming.....the smell of Ben Gay! What? The smell of Ben Gay? That's right....the smell of Ben Gay! Why the smell of Ben Gay? Because Mike and I had our first kickball game on Friday! It was one of the funniest sporting events witnessed in Menomonee Falls! Seeing that it's been about 30 years since most of us played kickball......we looked rather comical. We dropped the ball, bounced the ball, popped the ball up in the air and only a few of us actually got on base!

Now let's see.....who got on base? Ohhhhhhh! That would be me! That's right folks! I have a better record in kickball than my husband Mike! Mike managed to kick the ball over the 3rd base line fence and across the street! Me? The first time I was up, I got thrown out at first. The second time I popped up but the girl dropped it, so I ran like the wind to first and made it! (Actually, I was laughing pretty hard while running and almost got out!)

Now for you people out there who think that can playing kickball is easy 30 years got it all wrong! We all walked away with strained backs, red ankles and sore stomachs (that's from laughing) The only great thing about kickball are the beers afterwards! Mitch was our official scorekeeper and you can ask him how funny it is to watch your Mom and Dad play a kid's game! I really wanted to take pictures, but our camera was out of batteries! I promise that by the next game, I'll post some pics.

We have really great news concerning Nick! He was picked from 120 students in his grade to present a scholarship at the high school awards banquet. He gets to go on stage, up to the podium and read off a prepared script in front of an audience! The only drawback.......I'm taking him shopping to buy a suit/sportcoat! He insists that he doesn't need one.....but what does he know.....he's only 10! I plan on recording it and taking lots of pics! He has no fear of speaking in front of a large group, so we know he'll do great!

Now, I must get back to my kickball warm-ups!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Oh, what a beautiful morning....Oh, what a beautiful day!

This photo was taken at Greenlake. The weather was a bit chilly, but at least the sun was out. This past weekend I went to Greenlake for a knitting retreat with some friends and family. We did a lot of knitting and eating! Joan even learned how to knit! I just have to keep her motivated to finish her scarf! Mike and the boys stayed home and did "guy" things! They went miniature golfing, bowling and flew a kite! They really enjoyed their time together without the "girl" factor hanging over their heads! This week Mike and I have a lot going on! We had an alumni dinner for the University of Wisconsin Madison for Washington County. Even though Mike and I didn't attend, they invite us because Mike contributes to their scholarship program. Their speaker this year were two professors from the political science department, and they spoke about terrorism. At first I thought....oh no! But it was rather interesting what they spoke about. The most astonishing thing I walked away from was the influence of the media and our government on what they want us to hear and not hear. Both professors recommended watching the BBC or reading their articles online, to get an unbiased opinion. Enough of that.........Then we have kickball on Friday, and we are seeing the musical HairSpray on Saturday! Phew! Lots of things to do and a lot of laundry to finish! Mitch and Nick are getting ready for the last 15 1/2 days of school. Nick has all kinds of field trips and Mitch found out that he is being recognized at an awards ceremony for student achievement! He shrugs it off....but Mike and I are very proud of BOTH our boys and the accomplishments they have done in school. Well, it's time to go....the laundry buzzer calls me! Posted by Hello

Monday, May 09, 2005

Here's Peg and Mary enjoying a few laughs before we enjoyed Mary's birthday cake! We had a wonderful day to celebrate Mother's Day and Mary's 39th birthday! Mary really liked her fern leaf peony we got her, too!  Posted by Hello

This robin made a nest in the boy's swing set tower! From what we can tell...there are 3 eggs! I'm going to be a mom to triplets! I'll post the pics as soon as they arrive! Posted by Hello

Here's Chris enjoying the 80 degree weather! Notice that he's "walking", but that will be a thing of the past once he gets his license, soon! Posted by Hello

Ahhhh! What a great way to spend the day!  Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 07, 2005

It's been awhile!

I know, I know, I know.....I've haven't kept up with my "blogging" duties! It's been a crazy couple of weeks with work, school, kids and so forth. Spring has finally arrived and so have all the weeds! Mike is so frustrated because he put something on the lawn that was to prevent weeds, when in fact it looks like more weeds sprout everyday! It's Mike versus the weeds! Let the battle begin!

Mitch has been busy at school finishing up some projects and getting a bit of the "spring fever"! He can't wait to start his basketball camps and just sitting around and relaxing!

Nick has been feverishly finishing up his science fair project and the last of his booktalks! Nick is looking forward to attending a week long camp! I'm just not sure how much I'm looking forward to it! Mike and Nick insist that everything will be ok! I just hope some girl from another camp doesn't sneak over to get a kiss from my Nicky! You all know how he has that Brachmann Mojo!

Me? I am planning a knitting retreat for next week and I'm looking forward to some relaxing time out at Greenlake with all my fellow knitters.

Mother's Day is tomorrow and it's Mary's birthday! We plan on enjoying brunch with Peg, Don, Chris, Betty (Don's Mom), Joan, and Mary and Willie! It should be a wonderful day! I'll post pics later!

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