Thursday, June 23, 2005

Happy Father's Day!

What a great day! It was just beautiful outside so we gave Mike the choice of what he'd like to do. (Mitch won the Homer on the "Whack-a-Mole" game!) We first went to church, then we headed down to the Lakefront Festival of the Arts. After looking at some pricey and not too pricey art, we headed to one of our favorite church picnics. The 3 Sisters picnic or something like that! (sorry....I can't remember which saints etc;!) We then took a stroll on Brady St. and bought each of us a frisbee for golfing. Our evening was capped off by a great meal at Pizza Man, with a great bottle of wine and a pleasant evening at home.

Here's myself and the boys near the carnival rides! Nick really wanted to go on the rides, but they were really, really, squeaky which made me very uneasy!

The boys love playing the "gambling" games they have at these picnics. Mitchell won a case of beer! (actually, Mike won it....but it was Mitch's paddle number!)

Here we took a break from the "paddle game"! Also, this will be my last posting until we get back from Boston. (unless I can find a computer somewhere) Since I won't be's a big shout out to Joan......HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOAN! This is her last year in her 30's.....she'll be holding onto 39 for one year and then she'll be the newest member of the 40 club! Make sure to wish her a Happy Birthday! (it takes place on June 28th!)

Monday, June 20, 2005

Good Brushing = Healthy Teeth!

When you have children, you need to check on them periodically when they are brushing their teeth! This is a ritual that occurs with sometimes, great brushing and more often terrible brushing. I do have to say that Mitch is a bit more thorough than his brother, because he has braces and because "Auntie Sarah" at the Ortho will tell on him!

Now here's Mitch getting ready to spit! The reason that Mitch is smiling is because I tried to imitate Chewbacca from Star Wars! Mitch started laughing pretty hard because he thought I did a terrible job!

He's going for the final spit and rinse..........

And Wha-La! Look at his pearly whites! He's all ready for his visit to the Ortho!Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 18, 2005

These Shoes Rock!

I know that this is probably weird.....but I LOVE SHOES! I bought these with Joan (she got a brown pair) and I love them so much that I had to take a picture of them! This week we have kickball again! Last Friday I injured my quadracept (the top thigh muscle) but I worked through it and stuck it out. My leg was actually inflamed, but that didn't stop me from going to the mall to buy these "ass-kicking" shoes! Anyway, if I don't brag about Mike and his kickball comeback, I'll never hear the end of it.

Here it seen by Tracy.......
Anyway, here we are tied up and Mike steps up to the plate and doesn't pop it up! He runs to 1st his arms' moving like the Little Engine That Could and he's safe! Another person gets up and kicks the ball.......Mike takes off.....rounding second and then stops at third base! Sweat is pouring from his face, it's hard for him to see....but he's focused for homeplate and a possible win. The next person gets up......kicks the ball......and there goes Mike.....running for home, his vision blurred by the sweat, when all the sudden he notices the woman catcher standing on homeplate, flailing her arms for someone to throw her the ball! Mike.....assessing the situation decides NOT to mow her down, but sidesteps her and gingerly touches homeplate for the winning run! The crowd goes wild! Our first win! And all the accolades go to Mike.......(even though I scored a run the week before!) I'm so proud of my amazing husband......he can do it all.....Appraiser....Handy Man.....Daddy.....and now........Pro Kickballer! Gotta love that guy! Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Happy, Happy, Birthday to Chris!

Wow! I can't believe that Chris is 16 years old! Boy! Are Peg and Don old or what? Hee! Hee! Besides the very "yummy" cake, we had a great meal......of course served up by no other than Peg! The day turned out to be great! We played Sheephead and Joan totally cheated! (just kidding, sista!) I think she takes advantage of me because I'm still a "newbie" at the game! Once I figure out the out!

Chris, Mitch and Mike decided to play a little horse! Now you can't see how hard it was raining...but these guys endured a torrential downpour in order to finish their game. I think that Mike won the first game, but Don made the sweetest shot during the second game.

Here's Alec and Mitch playing "cars"! Mitch was only happy to play, because he could be up close to watch the Brewer game. It seems like only yesterday, it was Chris, Mitch and Nick playing cars........the time goes by so fast!

After a very long day of playing and eating......Alec still had the energy to play even more! It's so hard to take his picture, because he's always on the go! However, I can be a bit persuasive and had him lay on the floor and look up at me. It took a few attempts, but I got a great picture of him! He's so cute! Posted by Hello

This week we are preparing for our trip to Boston. Mitch is at a basketball camp in downtown Milwaukee, so I drive him and pick him up everyday! Poor Nicky! I have to wake him up every morning, (because Mike is working) and take him with me. However, I paid him off by taking him out for breakfast every morning! I think I've had my "egg" quota for the week! I've eaten so many eggs that I probably could lay an egg! Phew!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Academic Superstar!

What a proud moment! Mitch received 3 awards this year at the end of the school year! The one I'm most proud of "High Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance". He worked hard this year and proved that he could do both basketball and school work. Next year he's hoping to sign up for a few more academic clubs and try his last year at spelling bee. Those damn home schooled kids win it every time! Ha! This summer Mitch has 3 basketball camps and looks forward to relaxing and hanging out with his friends. Me? I can't wait for school to start........... Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 09, 2005

What a Good Looking Young Man!

This is what good genes produce! A fine looking young man! Watch out ladies.....Nick is a lady killer! Actually, this is Nick's first suit that we purchased him for the scholarship award presentation he did! He looks EXACTLY like Mike! I never really noticed it until I looked at him all dressed up! Nick was as cool as a cucumber when he got on stage and didn't flub his lines at all! However, I do have to complain.......Here it awards ceremony....and 2 of the presenters (5th grade girls) show up in their play clothes! I couldn't believe it! One of the moms' said that she didn't know it was that big of a deal! Are you kidding me? These high school seniors are receiving scholarships ranging from $150-$24,000! Even the high school seniors were dressed up! Whatever! I'm glad to say that all three boys all looked great and that the other young lady did as well! Posted by Hello

And the award goes to.......

Here's Nick in all his glory at the podium! He did an awesome job! Way to go! Posted by Hello

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