Monday, September 26, 2005

Oops! Where's Mitchell's School Pictures?

We recently received Mitchell's school pictures with Mike and I commenting on how it turned out great! We rated it as one of our favorite pics. But wait? Where could it be?

The other day some friends of ours came over for a visit and said they would like to see them. Normally, they are left on the coffee table until I can begin the distribution of the pics, but they weren't there! Mike and I searched EVERYWHERE! Under the sofa, in the bedrooms, in the kitchen, but to no avail. I concluded that they must have gotten thrown away. Mike assured me that isn't what happened and we would resume our frantic search in the morning.

Morning arrives with Mitchell sitting so sweetly enjoying his breakfast when I explain that I couldn't find his school pictures. His mouth drops open, milk begins to drool, and he looks like he just saw a ghost! With a tremble in his voice he explains that when he was doing the garbage he collected the newspaper and thought "Boy! The papers sounds kind of crinkly!" Instead of paging through to see what it could be, he just threw it away.....newspaper and his school pictures! Now what would make the "crinkly" sound you may ask? Well, as many parents know, the pics come with a cellophane opening so you can see the pics through the packaging. So....what he heard was the cellophane!

Now don't fret my dear family and friends.........I called the photo company and they found my order and will be shipping another full set for all to enjoy! The lesson here......

  • Cost of shirt for school photos........$25.00
  • First set of school photos.......$25.00
  • Second set of school photos.......$29.00 (had to pay shipping/handling costs!)
  • Knowing that I could get the photos again.........priceless!

In other Brachmann news:

School is going very well for the boys. They have finally found their "groove" and both have adjusted well to their new schools. Fall is in the air which means that Mike goes into "cookie overdrive". I don't know what it is about fall, but Mike has a cookie obsession for a couple of weeks. This week I'm going to make him some Peanut Butter Rice Krispie treats! These are Nick's I have to hide them from both him and Mike. I wonder if Mary had to hide food from her kids! Last time I hid cookes, Mike found them and ate them all! This week I'll need to find a new hiding place!


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