Monday, November 07, 2005

Sleepy Guitar Player!

This is what I saw last week when I walked into Mitch's room! He came home from school, finished up his confirmation homework and was supposed to practice guitar. It was very, very, quiet! Nick came and told me I had to go into Mitch's room to see what happened! He was so tired that he fell asleep while practicing! I'm clicking away taking pictures and he still didn't wake up! I've determined that he gets his "sleepiness" from Auntie Peg, Auntie Joan, Grandpa and Mike. These 4 can sleep anyplace, anywhere, anytime! It has to be a genetic thing! I've been a witness to the "Brachmann Sleepy Gene" many times! One minute you'll be talking to Peg and then *boom* she's asleep! One minute you'll be playing a game with Joan then *boom* she's asleep! Another time you'll be watching a football game with Grandpa, then *boom* he's asleep! Then even another time, you'll be watching Days of our Lives, then *boom* Mike's asleep! Me? I have to be laying down in a bed or maybe a sofa to fall asleep. Nick's like me......go, go, go, all day then crash for the evening.

This past week I stained and varnished the front door! Yuk! I hate doing it....but it turned out great! We had such great weather that I thought I'd better get it done while it's still nice.

On October 22nd, Mike and I celebrated our 17th year anniversary (we dated for 5, so I've known Mike half my life!)

So my big shout out for the week goes to...............
For being married to me for 17 years! We met as great friends and are still friends today! You love me for who I am, faults and all.
I Love You!
Nick has started wrestling practice. He's so tired when he gets home and every little muscle in his body is hurting. On top of that, he ended up getting Mitchell's cold. Ahhhhhhhh! The joys of "germy" school! He seems to like wrestling and is so excited to participate in a sport that Mitch has never tried! He's so proud of himself. (and we are, too!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You crack me up. Is Mitch seriously sleeping, not faking?
He is a Brachmann.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Tracy said...

Very, Very Sleepy!

3:14 PM  

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