Thursday, October 06, 2005

Nick has a crush!

That's right folks! You read it here first.....Nick has a crush on a girl and is not afraid for her to know it! Nick came home from school and was talking about that at school this week you can purchase a flower and have it sent to someone in their homeroom. I asked him if there was someone "special" he wanted to send a flower to and with his cheeks blushing like two big red apples, he replied....YES! Apparently, Nick has liked this girl for about two years and wanted to send her a flower with a note that says "I really like you!" Now everyone together...Awwwwwww! When I asked him how she was going to find out who the flower is from, he said that he was going to ask her at the dance "Did you like the flower I sent you?" that way she'll know it's from him. Ready? Awwwwww! Then I notice today that he dressed up for school and I asked him..."Do you have Alexis in one of your classes?" and he admitted that he has her in one class! Awwwwwww!

I realized a couple of things about Nick.

First.....him and Mitchell are so different! Mitchell would never let a girl know that he likes her, or even have the courage to send her a flower! After Nick went to camp, Mike and I noticed how confident he became! Well, sending a girl a flower certainly shows that! Nick is so sure of who he is that he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him.

Secondly......he has that "Brachmann" mojo and knows how to treat the ladies! (Mitch already has that charm!) He knows darn well that girls LOVE to get flowers. (especially when other girls don't get flowers!)

The following is for all the women!

Can you remember when you got your first flower, jewelry etc; and how special it made you feel? This girl is going to have that same feeling and it's because of my son! I told Nick that he will have made this girl's day, because all day she is going to try and figure out who sent her the flower. Every boy she looks at she is going to wonder if it's "him". She's going to hang onto that flower all day in school as if it's an Oscar, proudly showing it off to her friends, with her head held high declaring that a boy likes her! Then she'll get to the dance, looking over the mass of people, and then she'll see Nick approaching her. Their eyes will meet and Nick so meekly with his eyes downcast to the floor will ask her if she liked her flower that he sent her. So sweetly she'll reply yes.....giggle and then run to tell her friends that Nick likes her! Awwwwww!

It's fast your children grow up, how different they are compared to one another, how they look at life. I told Nick this morning at the bus......"Nicky this girl is one of the lucky ones, because she is so fortunate to have a Brachmann boy like her and make her feel special" He replied "Just like you Mom?" I said "That's right honey, just like me." He said, "Thanks, Mom, I love you" and I said "I love you, too!" Awwwwww!

So of course my big shout out this week goes to.........(drumroll, please!)
Nick! For having the courage to buy a girl a flower and for reminding all of us out there those first "flutters" of puppy love we all once had! Our world can be a scary place sometimes, but to an 11 year old boy, the scariest thing is telling a girl that you like her!


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